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You might be wondering what is the content of the game, because the name is somewhat mind-boggling. Don’t worry, it’s RNG. (Ah yes, the achievement.) It's a game from Global Game Jam 2021 Taipei jam site (game jam page).


This all happens in the night of the mayoral election… It is rumored that the lagging party, is planning on cheating on the election. The lovely sharky police officers in the city have decided to sneak into their headquarters to investigate. Local squirrels in the headquarter are moving counterfeit votes to the polling station and they are almost done! Will the officers stop them and save the election? Or will the squirrels successfully cheat and take the win?

在夜黑風高雷雨交加的晚上,有一箱票不見了 ! 這箱票人稱搖擺箱,誰能拿到這箱票,誰就能拿下這場選舉的勝利 !!! 陰險狡詐的你,就是梅竹黨的打手,要把事前藏在黨部的票,在清算完選票之前,綁架天竺鼠車車送回投開票所。不料骨灰黨也發現了這件事,於是他們決定派出最強警察鯊鯊把你們藏在黨部的票通通塞進碎紙機 !! 究竟這次選舉誰贏呢 !!!

(Planned) Gameplay

  • Characters

    • Shark: Collect and destroy the counterfeit votes with shredders.
    • Squirrels: Collect and deliver the counterfeit votes to the automobile.
    • Both can dash toward others to bomb their votes out.
  • Modes

    • Singleplayer: One player plays as the Shark or the Squirrel against AI
    • Multiplayer: Two players play as the Shark and the Squirrel and play against each other
    • (We can only play singleplayer as Shark currently.)
  • Controlling

    • WASD / Arrow keys: Movement
    • E: Use the shredders / Deliver the votes / SECRET functionality when the character is at SOMEWHERE
    • SPACE: Dash to steel the votes!
    • Z: mute footsteps

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